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or Aud drinks too much wine and tries to explain game lore


                O... by now I'm sure that most of you are aware that I am, in

                fact, a huge nerd.  But I am also ridiculously into the lore and story behind and within the World of Warcraft.  


I know... you're shocked, I'm sure.


So once a week, after much wine and contemplation, I'm going to 

Mindless Ramble of the Week

attempt to explain the backstories and history of Azeroth and its more well known characters and major events.  I'm am going to do this in no particular order, chronological or sensical.  I shall try to eventually make good on promises to explain characters and events that are mentioned in a particular ramble some time in the future.  No guarantees though.


So if you are interested in investing some time in learning about the world our characters are running around in... grab a beer.  Stay a bit.  Let's chat.  Or more accurately... lets read my inappropriate ranting about World of Warcraft Lore!


So for anyone interested in Sargeras and who he is and why he has a tomb when he's not dead, I made a series of posts with links to the next chronological lore bit just is time for the Tomb of Sargeras Raid.  Starts with the emergence of the Titans and ends with Medivh the Last Guardian.  I linked each page to the next for easy navigation.  It's long.  Sorry about that.  

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